bobby vomit's blawg
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 
i am slack CAPITALIST slack senior suonm ds i mean son of aslackers son of a slackers sone dig it...stallio turned 29 eventful for him? not sure the usuall fair treatment buy the usual cast m, drinks in my fridge,, musice was good i paid attentino little very self indulged in conversation with everyon e i cut ben ioff whil playing played twice got drunk played records with jason until 4:30 in mourn i dont think the broadcast went so well shannon said they tried to get on and it caept ayin no go and shit i dont know but i like it test run maybe have other peole over somtinme laid back house party went pretty well ,,laid back ,,, buy 8: ish geoff had his shirt off , cassidy did not perform i did not hear fgeoff but did hear zack or i heard them all only padi attention to a few ,,, about my sta8888888 of mind now so here it is a come back ,,,,probably not see yay agoin in a month hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanimalswithinanimalssssssssssssssssssssss

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