disclaimer: i didn't vandalize the kiosk, nor do i know who did.¶
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* indicates blogs i designed
Dan Parker, chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party, said this morning that Lugar is just too popular to challenge.
"Let's be honest," Parker said. "Richard Lugar is beloved not only by Republicans but by independents and Democrats."
Regardless of what you think of Sen. Lugar, it is simply unacceptable for him to be given a complete pass by the Democrats. The two-party system is critical to maintaining accountability. By not fielding a candidate, Lugar can now do as he pleases for the next 6 and a half years without any need to consult his constituents. The Indiana Democratic party really let the state's voters down on this one.
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It took several phone calls, emails, and a letter from my attorney threatening to file a MOTION TO COMPEL, but we finally got a copy of the audio recorded by the undercover officer of his session with me recorded on September 16, 2005.
For those of you who are not up to date on this case, our REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION and FIRST SET OF INTEROGATORIES filed in with the court in January 2006, specifically asked if audio or video survelliance was used in the course of their investigation of my professional D/s practice. In February 2006, the city filed their ANSWER and stated audio or video tapes were NOT used in connection with their investigation.
Four months later, on June 8, 2006 (which was the day before our first round of depositions), my attorney was told that an audio recording of the September 16, 2005 session existed and that we would be given a copy the next day at depositions.
The next day we saw the CD containing the recording, but were told only one copy existed and that we would be given a copy the following Monday or Tuesday. That failed to happen. It was not too unlike their stalling to get us our copy of "Exhibit A", which is the vice undercover officer's notes that took more than six weeks to get.
On this currently withheld audio evidence, I admonished the detective's repeated overt sexual advances. The audio should also include evidence that our session was about teaching the role of submission, substantiating that I am a dominatrix who practices from a perspective of both an artist and educator. It should also include some pretty funny material of me dressing the detective up like the slut he was hoping I would be and asking him how it felt to be degraded and treated as a sexual object.
I've never advertised anything except D/s - Dominance and submission training from a psychological perspective. And I certainly believe it is improper for a submissive to EVER ask a Dominant for sexual gratification.
Now, it's one thing if you talk about health care. It's one thing if you're talking about education. You can have arguments about those issues. This, we're talking national security and they're treating national security the same way they do food stamps! They're treat national security the same way they do any little silly social concern and that is, "Do whatever damage to the country possible. We'll fix it our way when we get our power back," but they're messing with national security on this one, not some of these, you know, social issues like what are we going to do getting everybody health care, getting everybody a condom or getting everybody Viagra, whatever they want. "We'll handle that, when we get our power back." It's just unseemly, you leftists.
In a business where erectile dysfunction ads are taken by almost every show, you will not hear garbage and gunk on this program, particularly if it's a product about which I am going to speak.
My friends, the United States remains the world's sexual superpower. Yes, they do studies on this kind of thing, and apparently our country ranks number one - again. And people wonder how it was that Clinton got away with his Oval Office shenanigans?
This is the most oversexed country in the world. Just look at Viagra sales, and that will tell you everything you need to know. Reuters reported that according to a poll conducted by a leading condom manufacturer, and they would be in a position to know, "Americans are making love more often and with more partners than any other nationality."
The individuals questioned averaged having sex about 124 times a year, with an average number of 14 sex partners during their lifetime. I guess next to Wilt Chamberlain that's nothing. And for Bill Clinton it's more like 14 partners in a week, not a lifetime.
Second place went to the Greeks and Japan still remains in last place, with its citizens averaging 36 sexual encounters a year.
So this is just another example of that great old capitalistic U.S. productivity, folks. It's just up and up and up, shows no signs of stopping, even during a recession.
However, the sheriff's office plans to file a report with the state attorney's office.
"We believe there may be a second degree misdemeanor violation, which is possession of certain drugs without a prescription, because the bottle does not have his name on it," Miller said.
A doctor had prescribed the drug, but it was "labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes," Roy Black, Limbaugh's attorney, said in a statement.
Last month, Limbaugh reached a deal with prosecutors who had accused the conservative talk-show host of illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping pain pill prescriptions. Under the deal, a single charge commonly referred to as "doctor shopping" would be dismissed after 18 months if he complies with terms that include submitting to random drug tests and continuing treatment for his acknowledged addiction to painkillers.
The Indiana state government began restricting state workers' Internet access yesterday and some employees have been fired or disciplined after evidence was found that child pornography was viewed from work computers.
Indiana State Police spokesman David Bursten said it's illegal to intentionally view child porn for sexual gratification. He could not immediately say whether state police are investigating the situation.
During my conversation with the guy from Kentucky's state tech office, he mentioned that the state of Indiana had just implemented their own filtering technology up there.
Hmm. So have they chosen to block state employees from viewing blogs? I called up Mark Cotterill, General Counsel of Indiana's Office of Technology.
No. "I don't see us going there." Why? "We treat our state employees as professionals."
So what have they chosen to block? Two categories: general pornography and child pornography.
"Our process is just different," he said. Yep.
The Bush administration has been quietly tracking people suspected of bankrolling terrorism through a secret program that gives the government access to a massive data base of international financial transactions.
Treasury Department officials said they used broad subpoenas to collect the financial records from an international system known as Swift. Stuart Levey, Treasury's undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, called the subpoenas "a legal and proper use of our authorities."
Under the program, U.S. counterterrorism analysts could query Swift's financial data base looking for information on activities by suspected terrorists as part of specific terrorism investigations, a Treasury Department official said. They would do so by plugging in a name or names, the official said.
Swift, or the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, is a cooperative based in Belgium that handles financial message traffic from 7,800 financial institutions in more than 200 countries.
The service, which routes more than 11 million messages each day, mostly captures information on wire transfers and other methods of moving money in and out of the United States. It doesn't execute these money transfers. The service generally doesn't detect private, individual transactions in the United States, such as withdrawals from an ATM or bank deposits. It is aimed mostly at international transfers.
I learned from Bobby Knight that you're supposed to berate and degrade your own team, preferably right before, and you physically assault them. It makes them want to win to prove you wrong.—stephen colbert, speculating that the reason ghana defeated the US in the world cup was because colbert had taunted ghana too much the previous night.
Cloaked in a transparent shroud of secrecy, Mike Ashley (guitar/vox) and Jeff Eakins (guitar/vox) began a musical collaboration that, in the history of rock, is rivaled only by that of Lenin and McCarthy.—local band thesociety, comparing their tunes to the beautiful music made by vladimir lenin and joe mccarthy. or maybe they meant someone else.
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Nearly two dozen people have been arrested this week on charges of lewd behavior at Westfield's Cool Creek Park, and officials said other Hamilton County public places are being watched.
On Wednesday, Hamilton County Sheriff Doug Carter and Jeff Wehmueller, administrative chief deputy at the Hamilton County prosecutor's office, announced 22 people had been arrested, all charged with indecency-related offenses. Two warrants are outstanding, Carter said.
Because much of the behavior occurred in a public park that is equally accessible to adults and children, Wehmueller elevated the charges against many of the suspects to felonies.
If convicted on the felony charge of performance harmful to a minor, the suspects could receive jail sentences ranging from six months to three years.
Wehmueller said that although none of the incidents involved or was witnessed by children, the threat that a minor would see the sexual activities paved the way for the harsher charges.
According to probable cause affidavits, at least four undercover officers made contact with the suspects, either near the restroom or in a parking lot at Cool Creek. Police and a suspect often would agree to take a walk on one of the nature trails that wind through the heart of the park. Once inside the forested area of Cool Creek, the suspects would expose or fondle themselves or attempt to engage in such behaviors with the officers.
Did anybody else make the connection that the men engaging in homosexual activity were charged with lewd conduct AND felony charges of Felony performance harmful to minors, while the straight couple having sex was only charged with public indecency. In no way do i condone what these men did, but the police seem to have it in for homosexuals.
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The former General Services Administration chief of staff was found guilty Tuesday on four counts of obstructing justice, concealing his assistance to Abramoff in a proposed land deal and making false statements to a Senate committee that investigated Abramoff's activities.
Safavian is the first official to be tried in the wide-ranging investigation of Abramoff, who has pleaded guilty to corruption charges. Rep. Bob Ney, R-Heath, is under investigation as part of the federal probe.
Safavian's trial featured testimony about a lavish golf trip to Scotland that Ney took part in and that was funded by Abramoff. Ney insists he has done nothing wrong or illegal and says he was duped by Abramoff.
Safavian was among nine people who went on the August 2002 trip, which included Ney, Ney's former aide-turned-lobbyist Neil Volz, two other Ney congressional aides, former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed and another lobbyist.
Testifying in Safavian's trial, Volz called Ney a "champion" of lobbyists and said the Scotland trip was among the "things of value" that he and Abramoff offered to lawmakers and their staffs to secure favorable legislative action for their clients.
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In our REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION we specifically asked the city if any audio or video evidence existed. In the city's ANSWER filed with the courts they specifically said no such evidence existed. "There have been no audio tapes, video tapes, or films generated or made in the course of the investigation up to this point" is the exact sentence they used in their answer and is published on this website.
Yesterday, the city attorney called my lawyer and told him an audio tape existed.
Detective Walter Sanders (undercover cop) was deposed today. He confirmed to us that he wore a wire called a "whisper" device. He was only able to get half of the session recorded. I will have a copy of the tape next week.
We uncovered all kinds of things in depositions today including a statement Detective Sanders made that will infuriate the gay community.
In Congress, Ms. Harris has been a reliable ally of the Bush administration on issues like tax cuts, Iraq and opposition to same-sex marriage. She has done little in her three-and-a-half-year tenure to win notice beyond her district — one exception being a speech in which she spoke of a foiled terrorist plot against the city of Carmel, Ind. (Federal officials said the plot never existed; Ms. Harris later said she had heard of it secondhand.)
Harris, who was at the center of the political storm over the disputed 2000 presidential election, made the comments about terrorism and the plot on Monday at a rally for President Bush in Venice, Fla., and a subsequent interview with the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.
She told the audience that while in the Midwest recently, the mayor of Carmel told her how a man of Middle Eastern heritage had been arrested and hundreds of pounds of explosives were found in his home.
"He had plans to blow up the area's entire power grid," she said, according to the newspaper.
Questioned Wednesday, Harris' office issued a statement in which the congresswoman said, "I regret that I had no knowledge of the sensitive nature of this situation."
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