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Friday, August 08, 2008 
shorter gary welsh
shorter gary welsh: that national enquirer story about john edwards's love child turned out to be half right (only the part about the love child was wrong). therefore, i demand an apology from democrats who mocked me for believing everything i read in the tabloids.

Poor Gary Welsh should realize that folks who vigorously condemn adultery aren't often partial to cocksuckers either... ¶

Bitter, sore loser. I think your only fan is Wilson and a few deranged anonymous women who come here to trash Melyssa every chance they get. ¶

—posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:09 PM, August 09, 2008  
thanks for reading! ¶

p.s. i love the fact that your comment denouncing "deranged anonymous women" was itself left anonymously. ¶

If they're anonymous, how does he/she know they're a) deranged, b) women?

Also - the Enquirer didn't quite get the affair part of the story right either. Edwards didn't cheat on his sick wife. He cheated & confessed in 2006. She got sick in 2007, and cites that for strengthening their marriage.

But that isn't the scandal that Gary needs. ¶

—posted by Anonymous Anonymous (not deranged or female, I promise!), at 2:14 PM, August 09, 2008  
speaking of losers...

I can't get Gary to post any of my comments lately, Wilson. Guess he's scared of my wit.

Check this out.. ¶

—posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:36 AM, August 10, 2008  
Oh for heaven's sake don't be silly. No one trashes Melyssa every chance they get. That would take up way too much time. ¶

—posted by Anonymous anonymous relatively sane female, at 10:01 AM, August 11, 2008  
Gosh! I am flattered by all this anonymous obsession! That must mean I'm effective.

See you at the budget presentation tonight. It was just one year ago tonight that the tax rally I led was locked out of the CCC public meeting by Peterson.

He knew that we knew he was presenting a budget with BLANK PAGES! Yet not a single one of you held him accountable for it (or for locking out the taxpayers who pay the bills).

A lot changed in a year! ¶

—posted by Anonymous Melyssa, at 4:24 PM, August 11, 2008  
I think the anonymous posters also have a healthy fear of me...their fear is what keeps them anonymous. Poor things. ¶

—posted by Anonymous melyssa, at 4:26 PM, August 11, 2008  
A lot changed in a year!

I'll say! There was plenty of seating available for this year's budget address! ¶

—posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:15 AM, August 12, 2008  
Citizens and the press were standing elbow to elbow against both walls.

The room was packed. The mayor got two standing ovations from people of their own accord. No one was ordered to be at the meeting.

Mayor Ballard didn't get on the text messages and emails early in the morning to demand that everyone who worked for the city (and wanted to keep their job) show up or else. That is, what Peterson did last year. Ballard reserved just 8 seats for his guests. All the other seats were for the public who came of their own accord.

We had no hassle. It was light and breezy compared to last year which felt like government in a fascist country.

It is a frightening thing in America to be told you are not allowed in a public government meeting. Weird how this blog doesn't condemn that behavior when it should. ¶

weird how you're still obsessing about the former mayor! ¶

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